Create a user stage.
-- Internal stage
CREATE STAGE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] <internal_stage_name>
[ FILE_FORMAT = ( { TYPE = { CSV | PARQUET } [ formatTypeOptions ] ) } ]
[ COPY_OPTIONS = ( copyOptions ) ]
[ COMMENT = '<string_literal>' ]
-- External stage
CREATE STAGE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] <external_stage_name>
[ FILE_FORMAT = ( { TYPE = { CSV | PARQUET } [ formatTypeOptions ] ) } ]
[ COPY_OPTIONS = ( copyOptions ) ]
[ COMMENT = '<string_literal>' ]
externalStageParams (for Amazon S3)
externalLocation (for Amazon S3) ::=
URL = 's3://<bucket>[/<path>]'
[ { CREDENTIALS = ( { { AWS_KEY_ID = '<string>' AWS_SECRET_KEY = '<string>' } } ) } ]
Parameters | Description | Required |
URL | Files are in the specified external location (S3-like bucket) | YES |
[ { CREDENTIALS = ( { { AWS_KEY_ID = '<string>' AWS_SECRET_KEY = '<string>' } } ) } ]' ] | The credentials for connecting to AWS and accessing the private/protected S3 bucket where the files to load are staged. | Optional |
formatTypeOptions ::=
RECORD_DELIMITER = '<character>'
FIELD_DELIMITER = '<character>'
SKIP_HEADER = <integer>
Parameters | Description | Required |
RECORD_DELIMITER = '<character>' | One characters that separate records in an input file. Default '\n' | Optional |
FIELD_DELIMITER = '<character>' | One characters that separate fields in an input file. Default ',' | Optional |
SKIP_HEADER = <integer> | Number of lines at the start of the file to skip. Default 0 | Optional |
copyOptions ::=
[ SIZE_LIMIT = <num> ]
Parameters | Description | Required |
SIZE_LIMIT = <num> | Number (> 0) that specifies the maximum rows of data to be loaded for a given COPY statement. Default 0 | Optional |
Internal Stages
CREATE STAGE my_internal_stage;
External Stages
CREATE STAGE my_s3_stage url='s3://load/files/' credentials=(access_key_id='1a2b3c' secret_access_key='4x5y6z');
DESC STAGE my_s3_stage;
| name | stage_type | stage_params | copy_options | file_format_options | comment |
| my_s3_stage | External | StageParams { storage: S3(StageS3Storage { bucket: "load", path: "/files/", credentials_aws_key_id: "", credentials_aws_secret_key: "", encryption_master_key: "" }) } | CopyOptions { on_error: None, size_limit: 0 } | FileFormatOptions { format: Csv, skip_header: 0, field_delimiter: ",", record_delimiter: "\n", compression: None } | |